Co-op programs are becoming increasingly popular among international students. So, if you are planning your journey to study overseas, you can also opt for Co-op programs. But what are these programs? How are they beneficial to you? Let’s find out together.
program- meaning
are the benefits of cooperative education?
eligibility criteria
What is the
difference between a Co-op and an Internship?
Can you get an education loan for Co-op
program - meaning
If you believe that along with theory subjects, practical experience is important too, then the Co-op programs are for you. Co-op programs mean cooperative education. So, if you get enrolled on this program, you are allowed to work during your program. Besides, cooperative colleges will have a dedicated team to guide you through the entire process, like creating a resume and arranging interviews if they have tie-ups with organisations. Also, the duration of the course, the services offered for co-op programs, duration of the work assignment will differ depending on the university and the course you select.
What are the
benefits of cooperative education?
Competitive edge
Employers prefer students who have some hands-on experience over students who have none. Secondly, popular countries such as the US and Canada have witnessed an upsurge in demand for co-op students among recruiters. Most cooperative colleges will offer 1-2 years of curriculum in the US, the UK and Canada, including co-op programs.
Domain knowledge
You gain not only valuable work experience but also develop expertise in your area of specialisation. So, when you finish your program, you don’t have to settle for a job that doesn’t match your existing skills. It increases your employability potential in your chosen domain. Besides, since you are familiar with job responsibilities, it will offer you a smooth transition at your workplace.
Chance to
earn extra bucks
When you study abroad, you have to consider a myriad of expenses beyond your tuition fees. By choosing a cooperative course, you get a chance to earn some extra cash to support your lifestyle in the overseas country. So, you can plan a short sabbatical from your busy study schedule or decide to create an emergency fund - it is completely up to you.
to network with industry experts
co-op programs allow you to work off-campus with an organisation. Work exposure
will enable you to connect with business giants, leaders, and industry experts.
With the Co-op, you can establish and expand your professional network. If you
want to have a perfect headstart in your career, your connections with your colleagues
can help you a great deal.
eligibility criteria
You need to
have a valid study permit for the duration of the course and co-op program.
A letter from
your chosen university that confirms that the co-op study program is part of
your coursework and applies to all the peers in your class.
Depending on
the course and the university, you will need a minimum percentage to qualify
for a cooperative study program.
What is
the difference between a Co-op and an Internship?
Most students
bag internship opportunities during summer or winter breaks. On the other hand,
Co-op is part of the coursework and is mostly a mandatory element. Also, when
doing a Co-op, you have to strike a perfect balance between studies and work.
The internships
usually last for a month or two, but cooperative educational work experience
may extend beyond 3 months and go up to a year.
When you choose
to do an internship, you may or may not find employment opportunities in your
domain. However, the co-op education ensures you get hands-on experience in the
same area of specialisation as your course.
Can you
get an
education loan for Co-op courses?
Most financial
institutions will offer student loans for Co-op courses. However, it is
advisable to check with your financier if it offers a study loan for your
preferred course and the university.
So, now that you know everything about Co-op courses,
you can start planning your academic journey. Lack of funds should never bother
students; hence, at Avanse Financial Services, we offer an education loan for study abroad purposes. To
know more about study loans, please feel free to connect with us. We wish you
all the best.
We always aim to offer you competitive interest rates on your Avanse Education loan.
The rate of interest on your loan is calculated as: Interest Rate = Avanse Base Rate +
Our current Base Rate is 14.55% (WEF 01.12.2024).
The Spread is floating and is based on analysis of overall credit and course profiling.
This rate is subject to the terms and conditions of Avanse Financial Services Ltd.