If you want to know how to manage your finances when you travel to your dream study abroad destination, this article is for you. An education loan is a prudent choice to finance your overseas education. However, there are a few more things to keep in mind after you take a student loan in order to take charge of your money matters. Here are some amazing tips to help you manage your finances effectively when you study abroad.
When you study abroad, you have to consider monthly expenses such as accommodation, food and beverages, phone bills and other ancillary costs. Ensure you have a fixed budget to pay these recurring costs. Besides these costs, you have to set aside some amount for plans such as short trips and other unforeseen situations.
Imagine this – you have numerous utility bills and other expenses to pay, and they attract ridiculous transaction fees to transfer money through channels other than a local bank account. Frustrating, isn’t it? Therefore, after landing in your preferred study abroad destination, the first thing you should do is open a bank account, preferably closer to your accommodation and university. Before shortlisting one, it is advised to research the banks that offer the best interest rate, lower fees, and more features.
Paying the monthly expenses, a short trip with your friends to take a small breather, and other fixed expenses cannot be avoided. However, please refrain from spending lavishly on things you don’t need when you study abroad, so avoid going on a shopping spree. An education loan will cover all your education-related costs, so your major expenses will be sorted. However, you have to spend judiciously to ensure you have a peaceful stay and can also repay your education loan.
Students that are not adequately covered through student health and travel insurance risk losing a major chunk of money to pay for unplanned expenses. Please remember that the medical, diagnostic and hospital bills can be enormous in study abroad destinations such as the US compared to your home country. Besides, the student insurance will provide you with the necessary cover against other unforeseen situations such as loss of luggage too.
So, these are some useful tips to manage your finances when you land in your dream study abroad destination. Do you want to leave your financial stress behind? Then you can opt for a student loan. We at Avanse Financial Services offer education loans that cover the holistic cost of education, including tuition fees, travel expenses, study material expenses, living expenses and other education-related expenses. If you have doubts, please share them with us, we will be glad to assist you. All the best!
We always aim to offer you competitive interest rates on your Avanse Education loan.
The rate of interest on your loan is calculated as: Interest Rate = Avanse Base Rate +
Our current Base Rate is 14.55% (WEF 01.12.2024).
The Spread is floating and is based on analysis of overall credit and course profiling.
This rate is subject to the terms and conditions of Avanse Financial Services Ltd.