Every student should evaluate their profile before going abroad because a good profile increases the chances of you getting your application accepted. As you get set for the next step in your education, here are some ways in which you can build a strong and impressive profile:
While sending your application to any foreign university, you should realize that there are thousands of students doing the same. This should prompt you to figure out ways to stay ahead of the curb. In order to stand out, you need to focus on defining your unique selling point.
To be able to do that, make a list of your strengths that will contribute towards the course you plan to take up. Make sure to highlight these strengths in your profile. For instance, if you have studied a foreign language, then include the necessary certificates to show this as a strength in your profile.
Your resume is an important part of your profile. So, you should present it in a way that makes for easy reading for the university committee. Remember that this committee goes through numerous applications on a daily basis. Always use short sentences and do thorough grammar checks.
While noting your academic profile, do not forget to mention other details like extra-curricular participation, sports achievements, published research work, and any kind of social service you may have done. These aspects make for a strong resume that would look positive in the eyes of the committee reviewing your application.
Your statement of purpose provides you with an opportunity to present yourself to someone who does not know you and push them to understand why you are passionate about the course you plan to pursue.
Remember to include details like why you chose this university among all the other options and also what is it that you like about their courses. Finally, do not forget to mention how you can contribute to the betterment of that institution if you get selected. Drafting a statement of purpose can be tricky, so take the support of their professors or foreign education experts in drafting a statement of purpose.
It is no secret that students who have work experience are able to edge out the competition. So if you have done any kind of internship while studying, be sure to add it to your profile. Even if your internship lasted for a short period, it is essential that you mention it in your profile.
Every university searches for candidates who have some sort of work experience in the field that they are looking to pursue further education. When applying for internships, try to seek out well-known companies or international brands if possible. These names can add substantial weight to your profile.
Your credibility should be backed by an authority. This is the reason why a letter of recommendation is crucial to give a boost to your profile. Your college professors can be requested to provide letters of recommendation that highlight your achievements in studies and extra-curricular activities. These letters can also talk about other equally important skills such as leadership and discipline.
Now that you have a great profile for higher education in USA, the next thing you may think of is the finances that help make your dreams come true. We at Avanse can help you with that by providing education loans that would help take care of all your academic expenses. Do get in touch with us to know more about the benefits of taking these loans all the best!
We always aim to offer you competitive interest rates on your Avanse Education loan.
The rate of interest on your loan is calculated as: Interest Rate = Avanse Base Rate +
Our current Base Rate is 14.55% (WEF 01.12.2024).
The Spread is floating and is based on analysis of overall credit and course profiling.
This rate is subject to the terms and conditions of Avanse Financial Services Ltd.